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The Do’s and Don’ts When Hiring an Employee with Special Needs

By Amy Goodman, Co-Director, Autism Now [1]

The topic of hiring an employee with special needs is important because employers need to know how to be more open- minded and sensitive to the needs of those who may be different. It is important for employers to be considerate of employees’ needs in that they do not discriminate or cause the employee undue hardships. It promotes a more positive work environment when an employer is supportive of employees, but also it is just plain the right thing to do, and it gives employers and employees respect for each other.

Here are some do’s when hiring an individual with special needs:

Here are some don’ts:

These are some helpful things to do and not do when considering hiring an individual with a disability or special needs. Know what you are getting yourself into and always know the law when it comes to employment of individuals with disabilities. If you are not sure of the laws, research them, and if you have never heard of the individual’s disability, take time to find out about it. It might just be the best thing you ever did, and you won’t know unless you take that risk.

Individuals with disabilities are no different than anyone else, so don’t be afraid of them. Give them a chance, because you may just end up with the best employee you have ever hired. Individuals with special needs aren’t disabled, they are differently abled and employers just need to figure out how to use those differences for the good of everyone.