Monthly Archives: November 2015

Consider Special-Purpose Trusts When Facing Mental Illness or Substance Abuse

By Shawn Majette, Esq. Over the last 30 years, I have participated in more than 10,000 involuntary civil commitment hearings. Each involved someone alleged to have been so seriously mentally ill or substance-addicted that he or she could not safely remain in the community. Each involved lawyers, handcuffs and forensic examiners. This note explains how [...]

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Implementing the ABLE Act

By John Ariale, Esq., Guest Blogger One year ago, the chances for passage of the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act seemed bleak. However, for those of us advocating for its passage, our lame duck strategy worked, and the ABLE Act was signed into law on December 19, 2014. The intent behind ABLE was [...]
