Loud & Clear: The SNA Blog

Loud & Clear: The SNA Blog2023-06-19T15:15:41-04:00

Loud & Clear: Family Conversations is written by our member attorneys and guests for individuals with disabilities and their families. We tackle the day-to-day and long-range issues that affect the quality of life. Readers are welcome to comment on the discussion, though we can not answer legal questions here. For answers to specific legal questions, please find an attorney in our Directory.

After the Evaluation . . .

"The child you take home is the same one you brought in." By Chris Kelsey, Board Member, Piedmont Down Syndrome Support Network Parents' first experience of their child's developmental evaluation [...]

March 17th, 2013|3 Comments

Transition Planning Can Shape a Life

By Andrew H. Hook, CELA Transition planning, the preparation of a young person with special needs for adulthood, should begin before the student turns 16. Many school divisions choose to [...]

December 21st, 2012|0 Comments

Alzheimer’s Alters Family Roles

By Leonard F. Berg, CELA Alzheimer's is a disease that affects the entire family in major ways, but given that its onset is often gradual, there are opportunities to make [...]

November 23rd, 2012|0 Comments

VA Benefits: A Broken Bureaucracy

By Pi-Yi G. Mayo, CELA It's been said that navigating the Social Security and Medicaid systems is a "sprint," while applying for Veterans Administration (VA) benefits is a "marathon." The [...]

August 30th, 2012|Comments Off on VA Benefits: A Broken Bureaucracy

What Makes Autism so Uniquely Stressful?

By Michelle DePolo, Psy.D., Pediatric Psychologist, KidsLink Neurobehavioral Center It has been well established that parents of children with autism experience greater stress than parents of children with other developmental [...]

August 2nd, 2012|0 Comments

The Search for Community-Based Jobs

By James McCarten, Esq. Students with disabilities, just like every other young person, want a fulfilling career. A job is the foundation of independence, a gateway to community life and [...]

July 19th, 2012|0 Comments

The Katie Beckett Difference

By Robert B. Fleming, CELA Katie Beckett, who died recently at the age of 34, directly changed the lives of more than half a million children with disabilities. She inspired [...]

July 5th, 2012|0 Comments

False Arrest

Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System By William King Self, Jr., CELA There are large numbers of underserved individuals with mental illness in communities across the U.S.--largely due the [...]

June 21st, 2012|5 Comments

How to Fight Bullying

By Judith C. Saltzman Parents increasingly recognize the dangers of bullying. One nationwide survey finds that 30 percent of parents with kids ages 12-17 fear bullying more than kidnapping! Children [...]

June 7th, 2012|1 Comment

A Self-Advocate’s Perspective

Melanie Courtney, a legal assistant with Frascogna Courtney PLLC, has conducted training in self-advocacy for The Arc of Mississippi. The Special Needs Alliance recently interviewed her concerning this growing movement [...]

May 24th, 2012|1 Comment

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