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SNA is involved with each Congress, investing time and resources toward policies that affect our clients and practices, while promoting SNA’s relationships with key partners and the Hill.

Although issues change, the Committee has recently been focused on 5 priority issues:

  1. Financial Security, including SSDI and ABLE
  2. Long-Term Services and Supports, including Administration for Community Living (ACL) programs
  3. Health, including Medicaid
  4. Education, including IDEA
  5. Developmental Disabilities, Autism, and Family Support.

SNA has also been active with the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD), including pushing Congress to address the needs of individuals with disabilities during the pandemic.


SNA is involved with each Congress, investing time and resources toward policies that affect our clients and practices, while promoting SNA’s relationships with key partners and the Hill.


SNA, particularly through its partnership with the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD), has been advocating that Congress address the needs of individuals with disabilities during the pandemic.

SNA Advocacy Actions

The SNA Public Policy Committee and Public Policy Advisor and Lobbyist, Brian Lindberg, are involved in each Congress with proactive and reactive policy work.

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