Three Ways to Avoid a Reduction in SSI Benefits Due to In-Kind Support and Maintenance (ISM)

This issue of The Voice® is written by SNA member Rachel Trafton, Esq. of Maine Elder Law Firm LLC in Bangor, Maine. The firm focuses exclusively on the legal needs of aging Mainers and people with disabilities, including special needs planning, long-term care planning and estate and trust administration.

Tax Options for Third-Party Special Needs Trusts

This issue of The Voice® is by Sean R. Beck and Evan M.E. Barrett, who are colleagues of SNA member Charlene K. Quade of C.K. Quade Law, PLLC. Located in Boise, Idaho, the firm is dedicated to serving clients in communities throughout the state in the areas of special needs planning, settlement planning, Medicaid and long-term care planning, estate planning and disability and elder law.

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Recommended Books for the Special Needs Community: If You Could Take A Pill To Become Typical, Would You?

This issue of The Voice® was prepared by SNA member Laurie Hanson, with Northwoods Law Group, P.A., in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. The firm focuses on issues specific to aging and clients living with a disability and serves clients based in the twin cities and throughout the state, including populations in Grand Marais and the Walker/Brainerd lakes area.

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