Loud & Clear: The SNA Blog

Loud & Clear: The SNA Blog2023-06-19T15:15:41-04:00

Loud & Clear: Family Conversations is written by our member attorneys and guests for individuals with disabilities and their families. We tackle the day-to-day and long-range issues that affect the quality of life. Readers are welcome to comment on the discussion, though we can not answer legal questions here. For answers to specific legal questions, please find an attorney in our Directory.

Implementing the ABLE Act

By John Ariale, Esq., Guest Blogger One year ago, the chances for passage of the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act seemed bleak. However, for those of us advocating [...]

November 6th, 2015|Comments Off on Implementing the ABLE Act

Ignoring Medicare Set-Asides Puts Coverage at Risk

By Pi-Yi G. Mayo, CELA & Bryn Poland, Esq. When a personal injury suit is being settled, one often overlooked step is the creation of a "Medicare Set-Aside (MSA)," money [...]

September 6th, 2015|Comments Off on Ignoring Medicare Set-Asides Puts Coverage at Risk

Making the Most of Summer Vacation

Who doesn't love summer vacation? But when a child has special needs, all that free time brings challenges. Youngsters who thrive on routine can find schedule changes disorienting. Some may [...]

May 26th, 2015|0 Comments

Understanding the Role of Representative Payee

By Neal A. Winston, CELA According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), over seven million individuals currently require assistance with their monthly SSI (Supplemental Security Income) or Social Security Retirement, [...]

February 13th, 2015|3 Comments

Crossing State Lines

Special Needs Planning for Moving to a New State By Wendy H. Sheinberg, CELA No one enjoys moving; it's hard work and involves lots of detail (not to mention all [...]

February 11th, 2015|Comments Off on Crossing State Lines

New Savings Accounts May Fund Care for Individuals with Disabilities

By Morris Klein, CELA In December, amidst much euphoria, Congress passed and President Obama signed into law the ABLE Act of 2014 (Achieving a Better Life Experience). ABLE empowers states [...]

February 10th, 2015|Comments Off on New Savings Accounts May Fund Care for Individuals with Disabilities

New Congress: Opportunities for New Champions

By Annie Acosta, Director of Fiscal and Family Support Policy, The Arc The midterm elections are over and many wonder how they will impact the disability community in the 114th [...]

January 8th, 2015|Comments Off on New Congress: Opportunities for New Champions

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