Barbara Hughes


Once we had Covid shots, I finally did some long awaited travel: in 2022, a long Baltimore weekend to celebrate my oldest grandson’s college graduation at Johns Hopkins, followed by 2+ weeks in Alaska via Viking cruise ship and then bus to the Denali area, and a terrific train ride back to Anchorage. I flew in the co- pilot seat of a high wing light plane for two hours around Denali and the surrounding mountains and glaciers— the scenic experience of my lifetime. Later that summer, I went to Wales and Norway. In March 2023 I enjoyed 2 lovely weeks at my timeshare in Cabo San Lucas.

Aside from those and other travels, I’ve been serving on the board of directors of Wispact, Inc., Wisconsin’s pooled trusts that I helped create between 1997 & 2006. At my homeowners’ association, I serve on the Architectural Review Board where owners desiring to modify their structure (enclosing decks, replacing doors and windows, etc.) make requests for our review. Also am co-chairing the organ task force at Luther Memorial Church in Madison, WI, where we are under contract for a new tracker organ in 2026. This year is the

100th anniversary of our building, once called “the cathedral of the northwest”. I’m on the Church Council, and I still sing in choir, after getting the pandemic-rusted muscles working again!

I lazily sleep in most mornings, do some yoga stretches, enjoy a leisurely breakfast, and start into whatever appointments or committee meetings I may have. I’m trying to build up the length of my walks and I do more yoga stretches before/after the walks. I have subscribed to monthly Sitka Salmon Shares and am doing much more creative seafood (and other) cooking. Reading for my next book club, and other books as well.

While on the NAELA Board of Directors, participating in the addition of a focus on special needs law to NAELA’s mission. Starting the Elder Law (now “& Special Needs”) Section of the Wisconsin State Bar and the Wisconsin Chapter of NAELA. Working for 10 years on modernizing Wisconsin’s guardianship statute, and simultaneously on creating the Wispact trusts. In the SNA, working with authors to make The Voice a well- edited and regularly appearing e-publication that is so helpful to non-lawyers.

This is hard to answer. I truly treasure the continuing friendships I have with so many of our members, and how helpful we all are to each other. Being together in Napa this March/April, after not seeing 99% of you for probably 4 years, it was amazing that it was as if time had never passed and that every one of you still knew me even on the day I forgot to wear my nametag! If I had to choose a favorite meeting location, it was Oahu with Napa second. Here’s to Maui in 2025!

Become actively involved on an SNA committee. Look at our past blog and The Voice articles and come up with a topic you can volunteer to write about. You can reach out to members of the Publications Committee for ideas as well. Talk to Education Committee members to see whether there is a panel on which you can participate. Becoming active with the SNA will give you great exposure and experience!