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There are 3 active members in Connecticut. Each of our member attorneys has years of experience and dedication to the practice and study of this complex and specialized area of law. Please contact a Special Needs Alliance member attorney in your area to consult with them on your specific concerns.
59 Elm Street Suite 540,
New Haven, CT 06510.
Tel: (203) 776-4400
Fax: (203) 774-1060
Area(s) Served: All of Connecticut, particularly New Haven county.
1121 New Britain Ave.
West Hartford, CT 06110
Tel: (860) 233-1281
Fax: (860) 523-5774
Area(s) Served: Areas Served: All of Connecticut
11 Mason’s Island Road
Mystic, CT 06355
Tel: (860) 572-4707
Fax: (860) 572-4704
Area(s) Served: Southeastern Connecticut and all of Connecticut

Davis O'Sullivan & Priest LLC
[email protected]
New Haven, CT 06510.
Tel: (203) 776-4400
Fax: (203) 774-1060
Area(s) Served: All of Connecticut, particularly New Haven county.
Office Location(s):
New Haven, Connecticut
Member Since 2006
Member Since 2006

Kearns & Kearns, P.C.
[email protected]
West Hartford, CT 06110
Tel: (860) 233-1281
Fax: (860) 523-5774
Area(s) Served: Areas Served: All of Connecticut
Office Location(s):
West Hartford, Connecticut
Member Since 2002
Member Since 2002

Tedford Law Firm PC
[email protected]
Mystic, CT 06355
Tel: (860) 572-4707
Fax: (860) 572-4704
Area(s) Served: Southeastern Connecticut and all of Connecticut
Office Location(s):
Mystic, Connecticut
Member Since May 2021
Member Since May 2021